“To enable venues and partners to seamlessly use digital maps to deliver improved experiences and innovative applications”
For over 10 years, we have been working in the digital map industry as Point Consulting. Point Maps is an extension of this expertise and experiences that focuses on delivering an indoor mapping platform that unlocks the value of your buildings
Wayfinding Image
About Us
Our purpose is to simplify indoor maps for users who want to extract the opportunities that they provide and may not be GIS experts or seasoned developers

For the specialists out there and the industry innovators, we want to help provide a solution that they can build on to power their location based applications in the knowledge they are using a scalable map format, a robust map platform and a cutting edge CMS engine

Based out of Singapore with European presence and customers from the US to Australia, we are looking to speak to partners and venues alike who want to upgrade their indoor map experience

What our clients have to say

Berlin Airport
Zurich Airport
Jacksonville International Airport

Join trusted brands in upgrading your indoor map experience

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