September 22, 2021

Indoor mapping and navigation for Train Stations

Point Consulting
Train Station Map - Point Maps

Digital indoor maps are used in many different ways dependent on the service they are providing or supporting, however the fundamentals for many venues remain the same - indoor maps are deployed to improve the venue experience for visitors, passengers and guests.

In transport hubs, like train stations, one of the challenges is helping passengers get to their train on time, especially if they are unfamiliar with the platform location. Walking times provided by many navigation map applications are unable to take into account that we are all different and that for some, a 5 minute walk could be 10 minutes for another, especially if they don't know the station well. These apps also rarely have accurate up-to-date information of the shops and amenities inside the train station.

Having user friendly indoor maps play a key role as not only can they help orientate from the outdoor environment to inside, they enable passengers to get a better handle on their surroundings, locate where their destination platform is and how they can get there in the quickest time.

Retail tenants also benefit as passengers can see what shops are open, how long they have and whether they have time to grab a coffee or bite before they embark on their journey - all in real-time. This opens up another avenue for the station to improve their concessions along with the experience for their passengers.

Accessibility is also a concern for transport hubs, and being able to show key locations on the map from toilets to areas where those with reduced mobility can access the different areas the venue more efficiently is a big plus.

Enabling train stations and transport hubs to manage their data and communicate this dynamically all helps drive a personal connection with the passengers where both parties benefit from accurate, useful and timely data.

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